My Nine Lives Plus One

I am writing these thoughts about my childhood and how I was raised for my children and grandchildren. Kids, you never knew your great grandparents, nor your paternal grandfather, Elmo John Riddle, and I believe from these stories I write for you from the time I was born to Elmo & Nadine Martin Riddle, you may understand why Mom and Nana is the way she is! I love you, Tiffany, Mark, Tristen and Bryce--you are my everything!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mary, Joseph and James, A Christmas Story

Each year the First Baptist Church I attended as a child and continued through my senior year had a Christmas play and always put a huge Christmas tree in the auditorium.  Everyone's name was put into a hat and each person drew a name and brought one gift to place under the tree to open on Christmas Eve after the pageant.  No grownup or child went home empty-handed because the Ladies Auxiliary bought extra plastic net stockings and filled each one with nuts and candy for visitors and guests of families.  All of the kids got to take a candy-filled stocking home plus their gift.  My church BFF, Rita, and I always brought an extra gift for each other.

Traditionally, someone would read the story of Jesus' birth from one of the Four Gospels in the Bible.  I remember loving Saint Luke's passages best and would read it to my Grandmother every Christmas.  She loved to hear me read the scriptures after I learned to read.  Don't be mislead, Grandma could read and she taught a women's Bible class for many years. She read her Bible every day, but she really enjoyed reading my teen magazines I bought from Miss Emma's Variety Store. 

One year I played the role of Mary in the Christmas play and James Roland, who was a couple years older than me, played Joseph.  James was hands-down the smartest kid in school, always top honors in his classes and scholarships awarded upon graduation.  He was an only child and regularly attended church with his parents.  His father was also a Church Deacon like my Grandpa Riddle.  I always thought James was such a "square" in those days--you guys would call him a "nerd" or "dweeb" I suppose nowadays. I was embarrassed  because he "liked" me when we were in our preteens, but later in high school, we dated several times.  He was a nice Christian boy whom my Grandparents approved of, and his dad had a nice car.  Turned out he was all right to go out with even if he was kind of square and... he was a good kisser, although I didn't many boys to compare him with at that time.
As the Christmas narration continued, the Angels came and frightened the Shepherds, the Star of Bethlehem appeared to the Wise Men, then Mary and Joseph make their entrance onto the stage to the manger scene.  Baby Jesus, someone's doll--not mine (I think I had already buried mine) played the role of Baby Jesus "wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger" (I pretty much know the story by heart).
James was dressed in his dad's bathrobe with a towel draped around his head as Joseph, and me in choir robe tied at waist with a cloth of some kind for Mary's head covering, took our places on the stage in front of the manger.  No spoken lines for us, just sitting and looking with admiration at the Baby Jesus in the manger.....for a very long time!  
I remember being mesmerized by the semi-darkness and soft glowing lights around Baby Jesus, and I either nodded off or completely forgot our cue to "exit stage left."  So I continued sitting and staring at the Baby Jesus, when suddenly James began shaking my chair, easily at first and then he shook it so hard I almost fell out of the chair on onto the manger.  I turned around and gave him a look that could kill, but he indiscreetly nodded his head towards the end of the stage and mouthed the words, "time to go". 
That was my first acting debut and probably the last, but it was fun and a great memory when I played Mary and James Roland played the role of Joseph.  I would love to know if James remembers that, and if I ever see him again, I'll be sure to ask.
Love, Mom & Nana
Posted on April 8 at 6:50 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for need to try to find James....maybe he has more memories about that time in your life. I e-mailed a bunch of my old high school friends and asked them to send me an e-mail telling me what they remember about our time together. It could be something I don't want to know but the gamble will be worth it!! Enjoyed this story!!
